Monday, January 9, 2017

NSA Hacked the Election, Not the Russians!

Russia did not hack our Election. They did not have access to our voting machines. How stupid can people be. If Russia did anything at all, they hacked Hillary Clinton and John Podesta's Emails, which I am thankful to whomever did hack them; Because now we should know that they are ALL Corrupt to the core and evil.

The CIA has been directly involved in MANY overthrows (and this is proven), so maybe they actually know how to "hack" a legitimate system. They do it all the time. It is usually called "propaganda", and they are the new masters. The FBI recently said "oh, well yeah that was mishandling of sensitive material (a felony), but we don't see intent. So their "opinion" has been shown to be absolutely unbiased. It is not the first time. Finally, the NSA. The NSA is the giant in the world when it comes to hacking and also spreading malware (backdoors). The NSA makes the (former) KGB (now may be the FSB) look like amateurs. So there is your sample, at your request. Fact is that I have seen NOTHING as far as proof given. There may be proof, but it has not been released. If there was proof, the NSA has it. But if they are going to ask me to "believe" them, then that is religion, not fact. So what religion are you (or what do you believe)? This is the question. The fact is why do we always want to believe these people? Why do we ever think that any "story" is anything more than that. It is not that I don't recognize the FSB, or the Chinese, or even MI6. The issue is why make decisions of importance like starting a new cold war on belief. And it is people like you that allow wars like WW1, WW2, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, and now Syria (where we have hundreds of "advisors" on the ground) to happen.
 On this episode of The Geopolitical Report, we examine the unsubstantiated claim by President Obama, Democrats, and Republicans that the 2016 presidential election was fixed by Vladimir Putin and the Russians. The Washington Post and The New York Times are leading the charge to delegitimize the election and unseat Donald Trump. Absent from the debate is the fact the CIA has specialized in meddling in foreign elections and has orchestrated coups and assassinations of political leaders for decades. The NSA, the national security state, and its partners have at their disposal the technology to influence elections, not by changing votes but by using psychological operations and propaganda. The NSA and the CIA are at the forefront of that effort. On this episode of The Geopolitical Report, we examine the unsubstantiated claim by President Obama, Democrats, and Republicans that the 2016 presidential election was fixed by Vladimir Putin and the Russians. The Washington Post and The New York Times are leading the charge to delegitimize the election and unseat Donald Trump. Absent from the debate is the fact the CIA has specialized in meddling in foreign elections and has orchestrated coups and assassinations of political leaders for decades. The NSA, the national security state, and its partners have at their disposal the technology to influence elections, not by changing votes but by using psychological operations and propaganda. The NSA and the CIA are at the forefront of that effort.

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