Thursday, January 12, 2017

David Icke - The Financial System..War..Parasites & Me Me Me

David Icke Tells It As It of the few people that will state whatever is on his mind no matter what the repercussions are.... David Icke.Com Exposing the dreamworld we believe to be real This Brotherhood cartel controls every aspect of the global economic network, the banks, insurance companies, raw materials, transportation, factories, finished products, major retail groups (and by market rigging all the rest), the stock and material markets, governments, media, intelligence agencies and so on. This is coordinated through the secret societies and one of their most important vehicles is the City of London-House of Windsor operation called the Club of the Isles. It was named after King Edward VII, Queen Victoria’s son, who was the first to carry the title Prince of the Isles. The title is held today by Prince Charles. Edward was heavily involved with Black Nobility barons of the Square Mile London financial district and helped them to engineer the Crimean War, the Russia-Japan War, the preparations for the First World War and the Opium Wars with China. Through the central organization of the Club of the Isles comes the fantastic web of interlocking directorships which hold apparently independent’ companies in a network of common control and common agenda. Some of this web include: The Bank of England Anglo-American Corp of South Africa Rio Tinto Minorco Minerals and Resources Corp De Beers Consolidated Mines and De Beers Centenary AG N.M. Rothchild Bank Barclays Bank Lloyds Bank Lloyds Insurance Market Midland Bank National Westminster Bank Barings Bank Schroders Bank Standard Chartered Bank Hambros Bank S. G. Warburg Toronto Dominion Bank Johnson Matthey Klienwort Benson Group Lazard Brothers Lonrho J. P. Morgan and Co Morgan Grenfell Group British Petroleum Shell and Royal Dutch Petroleum Cadbury-Schweppes BAT Industries Assicurazioni Generali SpA, (Venice) Italy Courtaulds General Electric Cazeenove and Co Grand Metropolitan Hanson plc HSBS Holdings (Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank) Imperial Chemical Industries Inchscape plc Inco Ltd ING Group Jardine Matheson Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Co (P & 0) Pilkington Glass Reuters Holdings Glaxo Wellcome SmithKline Beecham Unilever and Unilever NV Vickers plc And that is just a few of them! Each of these corporations have staggering lists of subsidiaries going on for page after page. Lonrho alone at the time of writing has 640 subsidiaries.

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