Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Anonymous Warning: Fakestream Media Is Distracting You!

ANONYMOUS: You are being distracted by mainstream media! George Carlin knew it, Denzel Washington knows it, some reputable news sources it know this as well. In the latest 2017 anonymous message we show you the mainstream media exposed. One day before Donald Trump s presidential inauguration anonymous update you with the latest information regarding fake news, fake media, fakestream media and so on. Do you still believe the lies you see on the TV? Watch to see how fake news stories are fabricated and then shared all around the world. By the time we find out it is fake news, the damage has been done. Thank you for watching and staying awake!

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1 comment:

  1. Anonymous there are so many of you, that is hard to know who is the real anonymous!!! hope by now you understand what is happening now. your partner info war alias info trump, is no different than Winston smith of 1984, he was for the revolution same as infowars, until he found trump, trump manipulated the infowars. Old alternative media and by infiltrating the alternative media they created fake real news. The main media just sit back and relax while info trump and all those trump followers destroy the alternative media, and the same alternative media contradicts itself with the trump saga.!! Reason why he claimed CNN is fake news but he is with CNN and fox news, same as nigel farage and the fake Brexit. when that is done, they take over put info trump away and bingo. Is the same method Orwell mentioned in 1984. The party is the trump party. A mole inside the alternative media is the key to destroyed, as is the key to confuse anyone that follow the real truth. Trump job is to destroy the alternative media and that was done by erratic behavior, bashing CNN so you would believe he is with the alternative media but he is not he is just an actor. have the main media elected him and create a rift so they divide and conquer. Simple.
