Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Anonymous Urgent Message To Trump #NoDAPL 2017

This is an urgent 2017 anonymous message regarding Donald Trump overturning a permit denial that prohibited the construction of the controversial North Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL), that was the focus of months of massive protests by Native American that garnered attention worldwide. #NoDAPL President Donald Trump will overturn a permit denial that prohibited the construction of the controversial Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL), that was the focus of months of massive protests by Native American that garnered attention worldwide. Press Secretary Sean Spicer did provide specifics about Mr Trump's plans regarding continuing construction of the DAPL and the Keystone XL Pipeline, but he gave first hints that the new administration would move forward with the project. Mr Trump launched his first working week as President of the United States carrying out his plans of dismantling many of Barack Obama's signature policies – such as the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal and the Affordable Care Act. Pushing through the Dakota Access Pipeline would further Mr Trump's promise to work against his predecessor. "I'm not going to get in front of the President's executive actions," Mr Spicer said, "but I will tell you that areas like the Dakota and Keystone pipeline areas that we can increase jobs, increase economic grown, and tap into America's energy supply. That's something that he's been very clear about." He added that Mr Trump is "very very keen in making sure we maximise use of our natural resources to America's benefit". The US Army Corps of Engineers denied a permit to the Texas-based Energy Transfer Partners to complete the final leg of the $3.8bn pipeline. The project was planned to stretch across North Dakota, South Dakota, Iowa, and Illinois

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