Saturday, January 7, 2017

Anonymous Obama’s “Orwellian” Russian Hacking Report Slamming Trump

“It could be Russia. And it could be China. And it could be some guy in his home in New Jersey.” Much more likely, it probably was the CIA or NSA themselves creating a 'false flag' accusing Russia of hacking that requires no evidence, as per the precedent of every hacking charge the US has made this century. NO PROOF IS FAKE PROOF.

As I thought, the time between end of election and 20 January will feel like longest period ever, longer than election campaign itself and chances are he may not even make it to that point. Good luck for America with feminist women, SJW's stupid beyond belief, low IQ single mom'd blacks and Jews in pretty much every single key position, ready to brainwash you on spot. This is much worse and more dangerous than any Muslim could ever dream to be.

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