Sunday, December 4, 2016

What exactly DID Donald Trump say on 9/11 about explosives at the Twin Towers?

 "I happen to think they had not only a plane but bombs that exploded almost simultaneously, because I can’t imagine anything being able to go through that wall. Most buildings are built where the steel is on the inside around the elevator shaft. This one was built from the outside, which is the strongest structure you can have, and it [came down] almost just like a can of soup. "

Donald Trump calls in to WWOR_UPN 9 News on September 11th 2001 having just witnessed the destruction of the Twin Towers

Americans live in the ‘United States of Amnesia,’ as Michael Eric Dyson once put it, largely because of deceptive media and educational institutions, both of which airbrush history for the Inner Party, much as in Soviet Russia or Orwell’s 1984.

In fact, Trump’s September 11, 2001 observation eerily corroborates the Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth version of the World Trade Center towers free fall. Trump recognized from first hand knowledge the Towers “very strong structures” and maintained only powerful explosives could have taken them down in such a fashion. He dismissed cartoon physics and remarked that an aluminum plane could not have sliced through the steel-girded exterior.

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