Monday, December 12, 2016

WE LIVE IN A FAKE WORLD - Fake Rights & Fake Consent

Let’s begin with the MSM (Mainstream Media), better called the lamestream media, and their “news”, which is essentially corporate infotainment. The MSM waters down the news and makes it entertaining to further distract people from things of real significance. There is nothing balanced, impartial or fair about MSM news. In the US, Australia and many other Western nations, the news is dominated by a handful of for-profit corporations who are legally bound to provide a return on investment to their shareholders. This means running “news” pieces which either promote the agenda of the corporate owners ) or censoring stories which would hurt political allies and advertisers

On the topic of media, let’s turn our attention to Hollywood and the entertainment industry. If you’re looking for fakery and superficiality, look no further, because Hollywood and certain parts of southern California are about as shallow as it gets. The dominating culture there dictates that it’s more important what you look like than who you are; more important who you hang out with (and are seen with) than what you know; and more important how big your Botox lips or silicone breasts are than how big your heart is; and more important what you own and what’s in your bank account than what gifts you’ve given to the world.

Hollywood’s film and music industries are imbued with Satanism. This is easily seen with its influence on heavy metal, rock, hip hop and these days even pop (take a look at the Illuminati symbology in the music and videos of Madonna orKaty Perry). Actresses such as Rosanne Barr and many other Hollywood insiders have exposed how mind control Michael Jackson suffered from mind control and attempted to tell the world before he was killed. Many others such as Mariah Carey and Britney Spears show obvious signs of mind control. Fake Corporate PR and Advertising

Another aspect of visual media (TV) that makes you sick are these generic “we care” fake feel-good commercials made by slick marketing departments of the corporatocracy, trying to get you to associate them with happiness, caring, giving, equality or any other value they choose from a list. They use marketing as a kind of weaponized psychology. Did you ever wonder why Big Pharma always shows beautiful models, happy retired people, bouncing dogs or smiling babies to peddle its , side-effect laden drugs? Corporations are soulless entities and legal persons – the epitome of fakery in many ways since they are fake persons with the rights of people and the responsibilities of none. Fake Choice
free, open and offering so much choice to the average citizen. But do they really? Is there any real choice when one US politician is slightly tougher on immigration, monetary system the continuation andexpansion Rights Free Freedom Liberty Lawyer "Free Consultation" Fake World Lifestyle Society "social media" 2016 2017 life makeup face "lose face" agenda corporate "fake world" Christmas celebration idol celebrity rich sheep follow leader leadership success shopping sale successful woman women "cosmetic surgery" social online marketing ads reality real hollywood style "hair style" copy robot cool trendy stylish artificial intelligence generation future perfection model of the US Empire through constant war and military base acquisition, and crony capitalism where politicians reward corporations at the expense of ordinary people? Real choice is the power to have a say in the direction of society, not what material variety you have as a consumer. Nobody wants to be lonely. Everybody wants to belong to a group. The crowd is essential for the false self to exist.

Authenticity. Courage. Vulnerability. People today are so unreal, so robotic, so fake. People are hardly ever honest anymore, everyone wants to wear designer clothes and all the girls wear way too much makeup ( which i find a really big turn off, girls are so much cuter without all that sh*t ), music is insanely terrible, tv sucks the big one.

How do I avoid being "fake" in this world; full of fake people? “People wears a mask of lie so they look attractive , so be careful” “Share your weaknesses. Share your hard moments. Share your real side. It'll either scare away every fake person in your life or it will inspire them to finally let go of that mirage called "perfection," which will open the doors to the most important relationships you'll ever be a part of.”

The Financial Armageddon Economic Collapse Blog tracks trends and forecasts , futurists , visionaries , free investigative journalists , researchers , Whistelblowers , truthers and many more

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