Thursday, December 22, 2016

Trump to Face Imploding Economy in 2017 - David Stockman's Predictions

With Trump about to take office we wanted to contact again an expert and author of a book on this very subject. David Stockman goes over Trump's cabinet picks, the state of our current ecnonomy and his fascinating predictions; for instance that the crash will begin in early 2017 right after the new President takes office!

01:00 Trump's Team contacted David Stockman about Book
03:00 Trump unlike any candidate in mordern times
03:45 Stock Market rally last call to slaughter sheep
05:00 Spring & Summer 2017 will be Incredible Crash
06:30 Trump won't solve problems but will bring light
07:50 Trump may prevent next Cold War or World War 3
09:00 Trillions of Waste in Wall Street Financials
12:30 Post-Election Honeymoon bubble will pop
14:20 How Trump can fix the US Economy: FED
16:45 Fix Social Security: Cut those who can afford
18:10 Protecting your individual wealth 4 this crisis
20:00 Gold price will soar as confidence collapses
22:30 Trump's cabinet picks breakdown with David
26:00 Get more from David Stockman, read books:

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