Saturday, December 17, 2016

The Masses Are Awakening

The Event Is Coming Soon - The Masses Are Awakening. Main Stream Americans Awaken: The truth about how the masses are so easily manipulated was reversed by the election of anti-establishment candidate Donald Trump as President of America. The Deep State, while unwilling to leave the outcome of the election to the will of the people, made a major miscalculation in the common sense of the majority of people. They were convinced that with the help of the MSM, Wall Street and Big Business their totalitarian regime could continue in the illusion of democracy. But contrary to their expectations Trump won with a landslide difference, trumps-landslide-victory-unmanipulatedsee attached chart, too much to be manipulated into a victory by Killary. More than half of all Americans woke up thanks to the efforts of the internet in exposing the truth, thanks to internet blogs like Final Wake Up Call, Trump’s tireless input, Julian Assange’s fearless email-publicity, Snowdon’s spy exposures, and many other contributors, that cancelled out the MSM historic blatantly false publicity. The eyes of many people were opened to discover that most of the public supplied info is wrought and manipulated and completely false. Ordinary people are discovering the lies, treason, corruption, etc. and that all terrorist attacks are false flags initiated by their own governments, in serving the manipulation of the masses’ emotions, creating fear, for the sole purpose of advancing their new world order agenda 2030. If the ruling elites have to murder a few thousand innocent citizens with a dirty bomb, a chemical weapon or have to execute a scripted nuclear terrorism accident that is fine with them. Anything to stay in power is justified in their minds, no matter how destructive and cruel. Fear is their weapon of choice to command people’s obedience. They try to control everyone’s mind by staging violence, staging wars, staging terrorism and so on. With Trump on the way to the White House, the party is just getting started and vigilance must be greater than ever, because everything Trump does is going to reflect on the rest of the world. If you think the election has been chaotic and confusing, wait until after the President-elect is inaugurated on the 20th of January next year. deep-state The Deep State’s power structure: The main source of the Deep State’s power is their control of the process of creating and distributing money, i.e. their ownership of most of the world’s central banks. They have used this money-power to bribe, blackmail and assassinate people at top levels of power in order to enforce their control. They also control the corporate media and have been using every propaganda tool at their disposal to rig society and markets where necessary. Trump as president will have the enormous, daunting task of rebuilding the national economy, which has been systematically wrecked by Bush Jr. and the Obama Admin. The global rejection of the US-Dollar will become a vulnerability very soon. Monetary change: Sweeping monetary change is expected in the coming months. Difficult times may lie ahead. Many issues have to be resolved. The monetary system is rigged, and should be abolished in its present form, to return the money creation into the hands of the people. It is time for change. Here is a short plan, two simple points to materialise just that; Honest money; Re-establish a gold-backed currency. Abolish all Central Banks. Smaller government – Cut taxes by 50%. Balance the budget. These two simple points will instantly eliminate the Elite’s power, which would be a major achievement. Real money and a balanced budget will force big cutbacks. The useless wars will end. The misallocation of precious, scarce resources will be greatly reduced. People will once again borrow, lend, spend, and invest real money, carefully. As a result real wealth will soar.

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1 comment:

  1. Don't tell me what to read ,think say or do, don't tell me where to live how or why, especially the American dumb savages, yanks your not worth the last drop of urine dropping off my dick into the toilet pan.
