Wednesday, December 14, 2016

The Fed Just Signaled The Collapse Of The Economy, Brace For Impact

The British member of parliament has now pushed the idea that the BREXIT was influenced by a Russian hack. Retail sales much lower than expected, during the holiday season which included black Friday and cyber Monday. Mortgage applications continue to decline, more people do not have the ability to purchase a home. Industrial production declines for the 15th month in a row. The Fed raises interest rates which signals the collapse of the economy, brace for impact. Harry Dent believes the market will drop down to 17,000 points

The Financial Armageddon Economic Collapse Blog tracks trends and forecasts , futurists , visionaries , free investigative journalists , researchers , Whistelblowers , truthers and many more


  1. ,agree to me is just a very clever manipulation, where the rulers knew how the citizens have suffered since 1913 and they devised a new strategy to keep themselves in power, in other words a new puppet with an alternative media mask. So is the same show but now from a stealth point of view. everything makes sense to the citizen’s mind, but is totally unrealistic to the reality of the ruling class of 1913. the system is collapsing, for the citizens for the ruling class, and for the slaves and this is what is actually changing the whole scene. This fake real fake news has been going on since 1913. Trump is just the last puppet to keep the master's in place as they themselves have understood that the system has collapsed and there is no one who knows how the new system is and how it does work. Therefore, is global confusion only Russia china and Iran remain as a pillar to reconstruct the hopeful new system.

  2. bren25% silver can be the new global reserve currency
