Saturday, December 17, 2016

The Elite Will Not Stop, They Will Try To Retain Their Power: Doug Hagmann

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange spoke to Sean Hannity on his radio show Thursday, revealing that the Russian government was not his source for the hacked emails they released from the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta. “Our source is not the Russian government,” Assange said during the interview, portions of which were replayed on "Hannity" tonight. "Let me be clear," Hannity followed up. "Russia did not give you the Podesta documents or anything from the DNC?" "That’s correct," Assange said, later adding, “It has not come from a state party.” Hannity also asked Assange how secure America's state secrets are. "Everything is almost completely insecure now," he answered. "The computer systems have become so complex that it is not possible to understand all the parts, let alone secure them. It is just impossible." HERE COME DA JUDGE: Judge Andrew Napolitano said on “Fox & Friends” Thursday that United States Intelligence agents were responsible for leaking documents to WikiLeaks during the election, not the Russian government. “I hope that Josh Earnest was as much in jest with what he just said, as Donald Trump was when he said during the campaign,” Napolitano stated matter-of-factly. “No one could have taken that seriously.” “Look, who had an incentive to prevent Mrs. Clinton from becoming President of the United States?” he asked. “Whose agents had their real identities and locations exposed by the reckless manner? … Who had access to all of this material without having to steal any codes?” “The United States Intelligence agents who did not want this woman in charge of the federal government and exposing more agents and resources and undercover assets in the Middle East,” Napolitano said, answering his own questions. On Wednesday, White House press secretary Josh Earnest stated there is “ample evidence” the Trump campaign both knew about and encouraged the actions behind the DNC hacks. Kellyanne Conway, Trump’s former campaign manager, blasted Earnest’s “irresponsible” statement Thursday morning.

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