Thursday, December 1, 2016

Obama's Foreign Policy Is A Failure (Full Debate)

For many, Obama’s presidency will be defined by its accomplishments. Taking out Osama bin Laden, disengaging from fights in the Middle East that America cannot win, defusing the threat of a nuclear Iran, and refocusing our attention and resources to Asia, where our greatest opportunities and biggest long-term challenges are located. But for others, it has been marked by missteps and retreat—pulling back where action and leadership was needed, and presiding over policies that strengthened our adversaries and disheartened our friends. Has Obama’s foreign policy been a success?

Eliot Cohen, Professor of Strategic Studies at the School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) of Johns Hopkins University
Kristen Silverberg, Former U.S. Ambassador to the European Union

Derek Chollet, Former Undersecretary of Defense & Counselor, German Marshall Fund
Vikram Singh, Vice President, National Security and International Policy, American Progress

MODERATOR: John Donvan

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