Thursday, December 15, 2016

Italy: Deutsche Bank and Mps bankers taken to court over fraud

 A trial involving 13 bankers from Monte dei Paschi (Mps), Deutsche Bank, and Nomura International Plc, began in Milan on Thursday.

SOT, Paolo Emilio Falaschi, Civil part lawyer (Italian): “I want to summon Deutsche Bank as civil part. [I represent] 70, 80 people who have worked for 40 years at Monte dei Paschi di Siena and had received shares as a deferred salary payment for 2, 2.50 euros, but now their price is around 2 cents per euro."

SOT, Paolo Fiorio, Consumers movement lawyer (Italian): “Our shareholders hope that this trial could establish the truth and convict the guilty party, and on the other side, get total compensation for their loss."

SOT, Tullio Padovani, Lawyer of the former Mps president Giuseppe Mussari (Italian): “Mussari is not guilty; he is not responsible for the things he has been accused of. Some of them happened when he wasn’t president. He is a not the operative president and he did not do anything of what they are accusing him of doing. Mussari is the least likely candidate to take the clothes that they want him to assume, scapegoat clothes.”

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