Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Breaking: Hillary Wants The Electoral College Briefed On CIA Report Ordered By Obama!

 Hillary Wants The Electoral College Briefed On CIA Report Ordered By Obama!

she is totally wacked out of her mind! Everything they recounted so far turned out to be in favor of trump. The states that should have been recounted like California, they wouldn't touch. England has evidence that the so called hacking was really a whistleblower(s) and the information was leaked. (and England doesn't even like trump and they are willing to stand up for him) The fbi has the same information as well as the nsa. They all agree that Russia had nothing to do with tampering with the election results. All the WikiLeaks emails were inside leaks. DNC email was from their own person who was executed. Every one ot those emails were found legally by search warrant by the NYPD on her aids computer. ALL of this would be for not had she not repeatedly broken the law.

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