Monday, December 12, 2016

Barack Obama Orders 'Full Review' of Possible Russian Hacking Over U.S. Election

 President’s decision to have US intelligence agencies look over evidence comes after unrelenting pressure from Democratic lawmakers to declassify information Barack Obama has ordered US intelligence to review evidence of Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election after coming under sustained pressure from congressional Democrats.

The review will be one of Obama’s final instructions to the intelligence agencies, which will soon report to Donald Trump, whom congressional Democrats consider the beneficiary of a hack targeting the Democratic National Committee.

Lisa Monaco, the White House counterterrorism director, announced what she called a “full review” at a breakfast briefing sponsored by the Christian Science Monitor on Friday.

At the White House press briefing later on Friday, Eric Schultz, the deputy White House press secretary, denied the review was “an effort to challenge the outcome of the election”.

“We have acknowledged who won the election,” he said. “It wasn’t the candidate the president campaigned for. He has gone out of his way to ensure a smooth transition of power.”

The review will span the last three presidential election cycles, Schultz told reporters. “These agencies will have to take a look at what we saw in 2008, 2012 and 2016. This is going to be a deep dive. This is a review that will be broad and deep at the same time. They’re going to look at where the activity leads them to look at.”

There were intrusions into both the Obama and John McCain campaigns in 2008, publicly attributed to the Chinese, he continued, and although there were no notable incidents in 2012, “knowing what we know now”, that election will also be scrutinised.
Multiple sources with knowledge of the investigation into Russia's hacking say the US intelligence community is increasingly confident that Russian meddling in the US election was intended to steer the election toward Trump, rather than simply to undermine or in other ways disrupt the political process. The sources say there is some new information but would not specify due to the classified nature of the intelligence. Despite the Democratic pressure, the sources say that they do not see the new information as significantly changing the intelligence agencies' understanding of what Russia was intending to do since the targets of the hack were known to be the democratic party.
There is no indication the intelligence community is planning to update its October 7 public statement from the Director of National Intelligence that laid out publicly the US intelligence community's view regarding Russian cyber activities. Intelligence Community Cyber "Cyber Security" AntiVirus "Anti Virus software" tool confidence win winner Trump "Donald Trump" "Hillary Clinton" USA U.S. "United States" America Clinton Democrat Republican News Media Entertainment Trends Trending Trendy Call "Breaking News" 2016 2017 Election Investigation Investigate Interference Email Computer Secure Security Privacy Private future report speech meeting agenda country control power puppet collapse count counting states "elite nwo agenda" The reality behind Russia's fake news In that statement, intelligence community blamed Russia for the hacks and said the "thefts and disclosures are intended to interfere with the US election process."
However, the intelligence community has never publicly said that Russia's intention was to help Donald Trump over his Democratic opponent Hillary Clinton.
The call to release the information came in a short letter to the president released by seven Democratic senators that said "there is additional information concerning the Russian Government and the U.S. election" and called for the details to be declassified and released to the public. The public letter was signed by all the Democrats on the Senate intelligence community except the ranking member, Sen. Dianne Feinstein. Feinstein did sign the second, classified message sent conveying more information about the request. A Trump ally dismissed the new push by the Democratic Party.

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