Friday, November 11, 2016


Rioting has erupted in the US during a second night of unrest after Donald Trump’s shock election victory. Activists hit the streets for another wave of protests with hundreds gathering outside the Republican’s buildings in New York and Chicago. Police declared a protest in Portland a riot after it escalated into violence with people wielding baseball bats, smashing up cars and store windows and lighting flares. Protesters were filmed setting fire to the US flag, piling on top of cars parked in the streets and shouting “f*** Donald Trump.” Officers locked off parts of the city to keep people safe and urged the crowds via loudspeaker to move on. But the president-elect went on Twitter to hit back at the protesters and accused the press of inciting the demonstrations. In one of his first tweets since being elected President, Trump wrote: "Just had a very open and successful presidential election. Now professional protesters, incited by the media, are protesting. Very unfair!"latest, breaking, news, media, conspiracy, alex jones, gerald celente, illuminati, elite, zionist, agenda, nuclear, conspirination, palestine, US, USA, gaza, video, footage, 2016 new world order, obama, president, martial, law, police, cops, state, brutality, rothschild, david icke, hillary clinton, trump, donald trump

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