Monday, November 28, 2016

HILLARY IS BACK! Elite Trying To Get Hillary Clinton Into Power Via Popular Vote Scam

 Donald Trump has continued his criticism of Hillary Clinton’s support for election recounts in three states, claiming he won the popular vote “if you deduct the millions of people who voted illegally”.

The president-elect, who offered no evidence for his claims, earlier called the recount effort a “scam”, while senior adviser Kellyanne Conway called Green party candidate Jill Stein and Clinton “a bunch of crybabies and sore losers”.
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Marc Elias, general counsel for the Clinton campaign, wrote on Saturday that the campaign would support Stein’s effort in Wisconsin, where a recount will take place. Stein is also pushing for recounts in Pennsylvania and Michigan and has raised more than $6m online to fund such efforts.

The decision put the Clinton camp at odds with the Obama White House, which has expressed confidence in election results.

On Saturday, Trump attacked Stein, using Twitter to say: “The Green Party scam to fill up their coffers by asking for impossible recounts is now being joined by the badly defeated [and] demoralized Dems.”

On Sunday morning, the president-elect fired off a volley of tweets, starting: “Hillary Clinton conceded the election when she called me just prior to the victory speech and after the results were in. Nothing will change.”

The president-elect then drew attention to a debate remark by Clinton after Trump refused to commit to accepting the election result, quoting her as saying: “That is horrifying. That is not the way our democracy works.

“Been around for 240 years. We’ve had free and fair elections. We’ve accepted the outcomes when we may not have liked them, and that is what must be expected of anyone standing on a during a general election. george sorros soros

Donald Trump doesn't sound too happy about all those stories on how Hillary Clinton won the popular vote — and exhibited it with an unsubstantiated claim about illegal voting. Trump Hillary "Donald Trump" "Hillary Clinton" 2016 2017 vote election popular elite agenda news "breaking news" push count counting states usa america "united states" U.S. million millions millionaire billionaire proof future radio "radio show" exposed "hillary clinton" trendy trends success win winner leader celebration "elite nwo agenda" alex jones false flag end game montagraph jsnip4 coast to coast am "In addition to winning the Electoral College in a landslide, I won the popular vote if you deduct the millions of people who voted illegally," Trump said during a Sunday afternoon tweet storm.

The president-elect did not elaborate on his illegal voting claim.

Clinton topped Trump by more than 2 million votes in the election, but her support was not distributed in key states. Trump captured more states and claimed victory in the Electoral College.

As he has in post-election interviews, Trump said he would have campaigned differently if the popular determined the presidential winner.

In a series of two tweets, Trump said "it would have been much easier for me to win the so-called popular vote than the Electoral College" if he had focused on three or four big states rather than the 15-state strategy he employed against Clinton.

"I would have won even more easily and convincingly (but smaller states are forgotten)!" Trump tweeted.

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