Monday, November 14, 2016

Gerald Celente was first to forecast Trump victory. What’s next?

Gerald Celente - Trends In The News - Celente was first to forecast Trump victory. What’s next?

Gerald Celente thinks that it's time to end external entanglements and rebuild the country; 700+ US military bases located around the globe is an excessive figure. Instead of suffering wounded limbs, minds and hearts, our honorable troops must be evacuated, returned home and offered adequate training to reenter the modern workplace. As warriors of revival, the military can restore the crumbling domestic infrastructure and economy. The initial cost of Operation Occupy PEACE will be offset by a sea change of improved opinion regarding the United States by the global community. American officials should take history lessons from the second largest economic superpower; China is following the original handbook of American success, building up the infrastructure, en passant creating solid engineering and managerial positions as well as facilitating corporate expansion, which creates even more high paying jobs. China is not only the world's largest gold producer, but last year imported as much gold as the world produced. It's been said that imitation is a high form of flattery; investors will be rewarded for mimicking China's passion for gold.

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