Thursday, November 3, 2016

Dr. Steve Pieczenik - Hillary Clinton May Face Charges in Pedophilia Ring

Good morning, I’m still reporting on pedophilia rings among the globalist elite.

Dr. Steve Pieczenik - Hillary Clinton May Face Charges in Pedophilia Ring
This morning, I’m not still reporting – I’m at long last reporting – on pedophilia rings among the globalist elites.
I’ve heard about these rings for many years – far preceding my 9 years building this channel. I’ve not reported on them before because it was so yucky – so unthinkable that this could be true that I just didn’t want to dip my toe into these shark-infested waters because no matter how you approach it, you end up getting muddy.
But it’s now time for every American to step up and take some risks now, so that millions of Americans don’t have to risk it all to secure the blessings of liberty once again..
Dr. Steve [pa-CHEN-ik] Pieczenik has done this the nation a huge favor by taking considerable risk by stepping out and just saying it.
Pieczenik has a long, long resume and before I play his latest, we need to buttress these charges with his outstanding record of accomplishment working inside the intelligence community and State Department as their go-to guy in terrorist psychology.
I laid out his education and best-selling author status in our last report on him, SR 1309.
[According to a 4 minute video, done by Dr. Steve Pieczenik, a Harvard and MIT-educated psychiatrist who has written 26 New York Times Best Sellers, the Clinton coup has been put down by an intelligence community counter-coup, effective at noon today].
Pieczenik was Deputy Assistant Secretary of State under Henry Kissinger, Cyrus Vance and James Baker.[3] His expertise includes foreign policy, international crisis management and psychological warfare.[7] He served the presidential administrations of Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush in the capacity of deputy assistant secretary.[8]
In 1974, Pieczenik joined the US State Department as a consultant to help in the restructuring of its Office for the Prevention of Terrorism.[2]
In 1976, Pieczenik was made Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for management.[2][5][9][10]
At the US State Department, he served as a "specialist on hostage taking".[11]
In 1977, Pulitzer Prize–winning journalist Mary McGrory described Stephen Pieczenik as "one of the most 'brilliantly competent' men in the field of terrorism".[14]
The State Department has called Dr. Pieczenik:
"a psychiatrist and political scientist in the U.S. State Department whose credentials and experiences are probably unique among officials handling terrorist situations".[2]
On September 17, 1978 the Camp David Accords were signed. Pieczenik was at the secret Camp David negotiations leading up to the signing of the Accords. He worked out strategy and tactics based on what he calls psychopolitical dynamics.
This guy is deeply connected to the intelligence community. He is not a political hack or a nut case. He knows EXACTLY what he is talking about.
I’m still reporting from Washington – and may God continue to bless America.
Good day
Bill Still is a former newspaper editor and publisher. He has written for USA Today, The Saturday Evening Post, the Los Angeles Times Syndicate, OMNI magazine, and has also produced the syndicated radio program, Health News. He has written 22 books and two documentary videos and is the host of his wildly popular daily YouTube Channel the “Still Report”, the quintessential report on the economy and Washington.

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