Friday, November 11, 2016

Donald Trump WINS! What This Means For America And The Rest Of The World!!

 Riots, Assassinations, And The Simpsons… OH MY!!!

After the Selection of president-elect Donald Trump, chaos immediately erupted all throughout America. In just 3 nights alone, protests have sparked in major cities such as Portland, OR, Chicago, IL, New York, NY, and many others.

But there is something deeper behind the candidacy of Trump… something yet to be discovered.

Because it is no surprise how Donald Trump’s victory was announced on Wednesday, November 9th, 2016 — for much of the world. For much of the world, “11/9” is written as “9/11”… Of course, many noted the eerie symbolism behind Trump’s candidacy and 9/11 — as well as the Illuminati references behind it.

However, “11/9” was also the Fall of the Berlin Wall just 27 years ago… as of Thursday, November 9th, 1989. In the electoral vote, Donald Trump won over Hillary Clinton by 72 votes… coincidence?

What’s definitely no coincidence either is all of the Trump assassination attempts and the World War 3… especially how all of this is occurring simultaneously. Not to mention how today marks “11/11” — a day in which World War 1 officially ended, 98 years ago exactly. Could Trump’s supposed candidacy have something to do with the commencement of World War 3?

Donald Trump has also mentioned several times in his speeches, while holding up the 666, that “It’s Time.” In the Alice Through The Looking Glass movie poster, this phrase is repeatedly mentioned all throughout: “It’s Time For A Little Madness.” And then TIME Magazine releases a very interesting cover dated for Monday, November 14th, 2016 — where Trump and Clinton are holding up a Sign saying: “THE END IS NEAR” (As seen in “The Simpsons”).

What could all of this mean for America and for the rest of the world?

What Are The Elite REALLY Trying To Tell Us?!?!



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