Monday, November 21, 2016

Benjamin Fulford: Nov 21, 2016 : Hungary, the UK, the US, Bulgaria, Moldova free from Khazarian control, Austria, Italy, South Korea next

 November 21, 2016
Benjamin Fulford

The liberation of the planet earth from Khazarian gangster control is now snowballing. The UK liberated itself with the Brexit vote while the Americans freed themselves by electing Donald Trump as President. Trump’s election was followed immediately by anti-Khazarian regime change in Bulgaria and Moldova. Next, a Presidential election in Austria and a referendum in Italy, both due on December 4th, are expected to liberate those countries. Following this will be the likely election of Marine Le Pen as President of France in May and the ouster of German Chancellor Angelina Merkel sometime in 2017.
In South Korea as well, Khazarian puppet President Park Geun Hye has been exposed as totally corrupt and is being removed from power. In Japan too, right-wing forces are moving against Khazarian proxies like Yasuyuki Nambu of the Pasona Group, Masayoshi Son of Softbank and others to prepare the way for the liberation of this country.
Later in the game the European Union, the United Nations and subsidiary organizations like the IMF and the World Bank are also expected to collapse before being replaced by more representative, meritocratic, democratic and competently run institutions.
Much of this outcome hinges on the nearly over but still not finished power struggle in Washington D.C.

The Russian documentary linked below is recommended as the most thoroughly researched background information this writer could find on secret Antarctic bases:

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