Monday, November 14, 2016

Alert Donald Trump Rothschild Jim Rogers Hillary Clinton Dollar Collapse WW3

Stock-market crash of 2016: The countdown begins It’s time to start the countdown to the crash of 2016. No, this is not a prediction of a minor correction. Plan on a 50% crash.Most investors don’t want to hear the countdown, will tune out. Basic psychology. They’ll keep charging ahead with a bullish battle cry, about how the Nasdaq will keep climbing relentlessly to a new record above 5,048 ... smiling as they remember reading that a whopping 73 companies are now in the Wall Street Journal’s Billion ). Hearts race even faster reading in Bloomberg BusinessWeek that n Yes, technology IPOs are in the lead, and with all that good hear the warnings, countdown to the 2016 crash.But the crash of 2016 really is coming. of 2016. But a crash is a sure bet, it’s guaranteed certain: Complete with echoes of the 2008 crash, which impacted on the GOP election results, triggering a 10 trillion loss of market cap .. like the 1999 dot-com collapse, it’s post-millennium loss of $8 trillion market cap, plus a 30-month recession ... moreover a lot like the 1929 crash and the long depression that followed.The rising US dollar is hurting the revenue and earnings of multi-national companies. Until recently, multinational companies have enjoyed a slow and steadily declining dollar from its Accord highs. This decline boosted the translated earnings of multi-national companies. As the dollar index breaks above 100 , multinational companies, which are already struggling to make earnings from a slowing global economy, are going to have to grapple with the effects of an even more unfavorable currency translation.In the long-term, a rising US dollar is great for America. However, it in the short-term it will not only negatively affect earnings, but also place extreme duress on the over $9 trillion worth of debt borrowed by non-financial companies outside of the United States.
Iran sanctions to be lifted Saturday 

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