Monday, October 17, 2016

The Obama Administration Is Preparing For Something Unprecedented! It Will Shock You Beyond Belief!


Several preparations have been conducted behind closed doors — all preparing for "out of this world events."

Could this explain President Obama's recent Executive Order — in which The Obama Administration, NASA, FEMA, DHS, DOD, and many other Alphabet Soups prepare for space weather events?

In this Executive Order, the Federal Government must have:

1. The capability to predict and detect a space weather event
2. The plans and programs necessary to alert the public and private sectors to enable mitigating actions for an impending space weather event
3. The protection and mitigation plans, protocols, and standards required to reduce risks to critical infrastructure prior to and during a credible threat
4. The ability to respond to and recover from the effects of space weather

What's even worse is the fact that the Obama Administration has been accusing Russia of alleged hacks: all having to do with the Democratic National Convention (DNC) and even "hacks" involving the upcoming presidential elections.

These accusations have escalated to higher-level tensions. Just last Friday, on October 14th, 2016, Vice-President Joe Biden has announced that Washington is ready to respond to various hack attacks from Russia — in other words, Biden is ready to declare a major cyberattack on Russia.

Biden's not the only one, either. Because the CIA is also preparing for a potential cyber strike against Russia — according to a recent NBC article, dated the exact same day.

Now should this surprise us, considering there have also been allegations regarding the internet severing of Julian Assange, WikiLeaks founder? How is this all related, and what is this all leading up to?

But let's not forget about their secretive preparations behind closed-doors: preparations involving the threat of an electromagnetic-pulse (EMP). Is the Obama Administration conditioning us into believing that there's really a "threat" of cybersecurity? What do they know that we don't?

And to make matters worse, the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) has been conducting a series of covert operations when it comes to grid security exercises and cyberattack simulations. These operations include:

GridEx I — which took place in November 2011.
GridEx II — which took place in November 2013, just a month following the EBT shutdown "test" back in October 2013.
GridEx III — which took place in November 2015.
GridEx IV — the initial planning meeting is scheduled for Monday, November 14th, 2016, and is set to take place in 2017.

Why All Of This Preparation?!?!



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