Saturday, October 8, 2016


Economic collapse and financial crisis is rising any moment. Getting informed about collapse and crisis may earn you, or prevent to lose money

"a righteous man" If any man should claim that he is righteous, let it be known that this man is a liar that God does not acknowledge him, and will turn his back on such an arrogant creature, let this man be humbled, and handed over to the evil one, so that he may know how disgusting and unsightly he is in the eyes of God let it be known that all men are evil because no man is righteous, therefore, set your house in order, because the time of your death is near, even at your door, it is coming, and it cannot be stopped these men harbor resentment in their hearts, and their hearts will be taken from them because of it regardless of their actions, their hearts have spoiled. The man who has much, will lose much the man who has little, will gain everything for the Lord your God has chosen the humble, the weak and the unlearned, the poor and the meek for his kingdom, therefore strive to become what the Lord desires, and turn your back on men because they will only hinder you should you look with all your heart to find righteous instruction you will not find it from men should you sincerely try to be a righteous man you will fail in your task because all men have fallen short of the glory of God, look only to the Word of God. rejoice, for he has offered you grace, should you turn from your ways and admit personal defeat. Listen to me! The Lord has shared this with me by means of providence you would be wise to acknowledge these words You are but a man, look at what you have done repent, can you not see the signs of the times? can you not see that he comes to set the earth ablaze? can you not see that this is an act of hatred? Therefore, you wicked men, be wise be warned, you foul creatures Serve the Lord with fear, and tremble as he asserts authority Kiss his sons dirty feet, least he be angry, and his wrath be aroused, leading you into never ending destruction. How lucky are they who take refuge under his wings, and how terrible for those who do not because their suffering has no end.

The Financial Armageddon Economic Collapse Blog tracks trends and forecasts , futurists , visionaries , free investigative journalists , researchers , Whistelblowers , truthers and many more


  1. vote aliens help is too late folks is over trump hillary is Is celebrity JEWellery worth more than normal JEWellery? ask BDS.......................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Steve quale is a fantasist I don't think prediction have EVEE come true if you are black or poor trump 8s go8ng to subject you to stop and search in other words you will have no rights he's a total scumbag and hilary is just as bad . The police are the very people that will be putting you into the fema camps and they will do it for a paycheck

  4. Steve quale is a fantasist I don't think any prediction he made EVER come true ,if you are black or poor trump is going to subject you to stop and search in other words you will have no rights he's a total scumbag and hilary is just as bad . The police are the very people that will be putting you into the fema camps and they will do it for a paycheck
