Thursday, October 20, 2016

Hillary Bold Face Lies In Debate! Judge And NSA Expose “Big Deception”! DNC Brazile Guilty As Hell!

 Megyn Kelly prosecutes DNC Brazile. Brazile looks guilty as hell. Hillary told bold face lies in the Debate. Judge exposes the “Big Deception”! Directly contradicts Hillary and the rest of the DCN and liberal media. Whenever anyone in the DNC or liberal media is confronted with this issue they blame Russia. The entire narrative concerning Wikileaks data being false is blown out of the water by the Judge and William Binney former NSA. The Wikileaks data is so damaging that if the MSM would report on it, Hillary would be done! They will go to any extreme including War to stop the bleeding. 20 more days of these leaks will kill Hillary’s campaign and expose the extent of the corruption that Trump has been talking about in his speeches!

The last 5 minutes of the video is a clip that exposes the lies within our government that have been told over almost 200 years. It’s one of the best videos I have ever seen. Some of you may already be familiar with it. We have lost our country and Judge Napolitano is one of the very few people at a high level position in our legal system that has the guts to expose the truth! He was show was cancelled and he was fired from FOX when he exposed 200 years of truth about our country in just 5 minutes.

Trump is exposing some of the lies and I’m fairly certain that he knows much more than he can disclose, because most American People can’t handle the truth!

William Edward Binney[3] is a former highly placed intelligence official with the United States National Security Agency (NSA)[4] turned whistleblower who resigned on October 31, 2001, after more than 30 years with the agency. He was a high-profile critic of his former employers during the George W. Bush administration.
Binney continues to speak out during Barack Obama's presidency about the NSA's data collection policies, and continues to give interviews in the media regarding his experiences and his views on interception of communication of American citizens by governmental agencies. In a legal case, Binney declared in an affidavit that the NSA is acting in deliberate violation of the U.S. Constitution.

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