Sunday, September 18, 2016

The Speech That Will Make Donald Trump President

 In 2016, a businessman from New York took the stage to deliver a speech at The Economic Club of New York. By the time Donald Trump had finished speaking, people across the country knew they had seen a new vision of America. Trump received a standing ovation.


This is what our new future will look like.

I am going to lower your taxes very, very substantially. I'm going to get rid of massive amounts of unnecessary regulation. All of these regulations, on your business and in your life. I'm going to unleash American energy. I'm going to repeal and replace Obamacare. I'm going to appoint justices of the Supreme Court who will follow the Constitution.


I'm going to rebuild our depleted military and take care of our vets who are treated so badly.


In many cases, our vets are treated not nearly as well as people who come into our country illegally. We can't have that.

I'm going to save your Second Amendment, which is under siege. I'm going to stop illegal immigration and drugs from pouring into this country and totally poisoning our youth and others.


TRUMP: It's a tremendous problem.

And yes, we will build the wall -- the wall will be built. And just in case you're worried about who's going to pay for it, Mexico will pay for it -- being totally serious about that.


Mexico will pay for it. And you understand, Mexico, by the way, we look at the trade deficit we have with Mexico. It's massive. The wall is peanuts compared to what we're talking about. Mexico will pay for the wall.

And I'm going to renegotiate our disastrous trade deals, especially NAFTA, and we will only make great trade deals that put the American worker first and put the American worker back to work.


That includes our miners and our steelworkers. They're going back to work. We will rebuild our roads, our bridges, our tunnels, our highways, our airports, schools, hospitals. We'll rebuild everything. American cars will travel the roads. American planes will soar the skies. And American ships will patrol the seas.

American steel will send new skyscrapers into the clouds. American hands will rebuild this nation. And American energy harvested from American sources will power this nation. American workers will be hired to do the job. We will put new American metal and new American steel into the spine of this country.

Jobs will return. Incomes will rise. New factories will come rushing back to our shores. We will make America wealthy again. We will make America strong again. And we will make America great again.

Thank you very much. God bless you. Thank you. Thank you very much.


Thank you. Thank you.


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