Sunday, September 11, 2016


 A very common phrase used over the past couple years by the International Mafia Federation as well as other globalist puppets is the “global reset”..
Very rarely do these elites ever actually mention any details as to what this “reset” means. But if you take a look at some of past analysis on the economic endgame, you will find that they do, on occasion, let information slip which gives us a general picture of where they prefer the world be within the next few years..
Despite all the failings and control mechanisms involved in fiat money, there are still worse systems to be had. Recently more than 100 executives from the world’s largest financial institutions met privately at the Times Square office of Nasdaq Inc. to discuss the future of money; more specifically a software apparatus called “Blockchain”..
The goal is to implement Blockchain as a medium to fully digitize monetary transactions around the world and in a way that is traceable and foolproof. In other words, the goal is put an end to all transactions involving physical cash..
The establishment of a cashless society would mark the end of all privacy in trade. Even supposedly anti-centralization digital currencies like Bitcoin are hindered by the blockchain feature, which requires the tracking of ALL transactions in order for the currency to function..
While methods for anonymity could be argued, the fact of the matter is, digital currency by its very nature is a destroyer of the truly private trade offered by cash and barter..
When all trade is tracked, and all savings digitized, whoever owns the keys to the core of the blockchain will have the power to wreak havoc on the life of any participant at will..
To be sure, the “blockchain” that the elites have in mind will never allow for anonymous transactions, because digital currency is not about anonymity or “convenience,” it is about control..
And corrupt governments will be the tool as usual by which globalists will extort more wealth from the population as well as exert force to subdue any unrest..
It is highly unlikely that the global reset will result in a collapse of government. On the contrary, it is usually during economic collapse that governments grow in power to the point of totalitarianism.. There will always be a new currency mechanism or financial structure scheme to replace the old, and the globalists will always have a way to pay off armies and useful idiots to do their bidding.. No one should be counting on the idea that the elites face collapse as we face collapse.; The elites are trying to create a new world order by collapsing the old one and they will try to use it to their advantage...

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