Saturday, September 24, 2016

Paul Craig Roberts Economy A Hoax House Of Cards

With around 94 million people out of the workforce, and the near record low Labor Force Participation rate, former Assistant Treasury Secretary Dr. Paul Craig Roberts says, “The Labor Force Participation rate never falls during a recovery. It rises because people are entering the labor force to take advantage of the strong economy and jobs. So, there isn’t any economy. There is a house of cards that is held together by central bank money creation. The money flows into financial assets. That’s what keeps the stock market up, and it flows into bonds, which is why we have essentially 0% interest rates. . . . So, the economy is essentially a hoax.”

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  1. Paul as strange as reality might look DeGaulles is the only solution. Reason DeGaulles speech about Zionism his view of Israel & 1967 borders, Nato and the end of fiat dollar, dollar as reserve currency. and return to gold standards. Somehow facts make him the voice the mind of integrity. This will make France as the diplomatic center of the planet, and neutralize AIPAC and the industrial military complex, revive the UN and credibility in politics and reason shall benefit from this occurrence. France becomes the example to democracy the 1789 situation will gain a new aspect, and 1776 rewinds itself. Indeed sounds insane however reality is often surprising.

  2. how america became the new hitler & israel its partner is a ? to ask: and why people see the opposite is even another ? an inverted reality. balancing the two sides brings forward DeGaulle. how it became this way is another ?
