Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Napolitano Exposed The Government And Was Fired! Now Obama, DOJ, Hillary, Lynch, Comey!

We have lost our country and Napolitano is one of the very few people at a high level position that has come clean!!! He was fired from FOX when he exposed 200 years of truth about our country in just 5 minutes, but now he is being used to push forward an agenda! I’ve been doing the Clinton videos over the past 6 months and kept seeing judge Napolitano coming out with disclosures that were way ahead of the MSM and Trump. He is being used to leak intel. So I went back and started researching Napolitano. I knew that he did one of the most exposing 5 min speeches of all time (which got him fired from FOX), but I hadn’t done enough research to tie it all together. He is talking Assange and Wikileaks many years ago. This video includes his original rant that got him fired from FOX News along with an old video that shows he has not changed his stripes. He interviewed Jesse Ventura an exposed several major false flags. People really don’t realize how corrupt out government was/is. I also put together a slide presentation of an article he wrote on July 21,2016 that was very telling!... You have to read it!!! It really makes you want to puke after listening to his 5 minute dissertation on the reality of the American government, judicial, and political system. He said things in that 5 min that have gotten other people killed! Some of you will know exactly what I’m talking about and others may have to do their own research, but it is clear that he is being allowed to leak information to advance someone’s agenda! And he is being protected instead of banned or fired!

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