Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Judge Napolitano: FBI Was Told To Exonerate Hillary ‘At All Costs To Run Against Trump’

 Video Transcript:

While Hillary Clinton was busy suggesting Donald Trump is hiding something in his taxes…

CLINTON: Why won't he release his tax returns? First, maybe he's not as rich as he says he is. Second, maybe he's not as charitable as he claims to be. I have no reason to believe that he's ever going to release his tax returns because there's something he's hiding.

Judge Napolitano said the FBI helped hide Clinton's crimes to keep her in the presidential race.
NAPOLITANO: Why the FBI would look the other way in the face of the destruction of evidence and obstruction of justice is very telling. It tells me, and those of us that watch these things, that somewhere from above - the White House - they were told, "Exonerate her at all costs, no matter what you see, because she's got to be available to run against Donald Trump."

The evidence that the FBI has revealed since Director Comey's statement, "We're not going to request an indictment," which happened on July 5th, two months ago, has been so damning. It is far more damning than what we knew about the case beforehand.

A lot of Americans are unsatisfied with the result of the FBI investigation because they know that a lot of people have been prosecuted for these crimes and there's a lot of them: espionage, perjury, misleading Congress, destruction of evidence, obstruction of justice. A lot of Americans have been prosecuted for these crimes with a lot less evidence than they found about Mrs. Clinton.

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