Saturday, September 17, 2016

Hillary, Donald and Warren Buffett - Max Keiser with Michael Krieger of Liberty Blitzkrieg

 Clinton will enact the TPP, is the choice of the elite and establishment, but what about The Donald.
And then there's the billionaire Warren Buffett, close to the Obama's and supporter of Hillary Clinton.
Is Warren Buffett what he portrays or another establishment, elite phoney.

Welcome to Liberty Blitzkrieg
The world is a very dangerous place at the moment and it is becoming more treacherous with each passing day. The reason for this is because the self-proclaimed “global elite” or TPTB, whatever you want to call them, have declared war on the rest of us. It is not just financial and economic war but it is also a moral and spiritual one. The game is being played on many levels and much of humanity remains completely unaware of it (although I would say a higher percentage of us are aware than ever before in recorded history thanks to the internet).
The power pyramid in today’s world, the Central Bankers are at the top. There is no group of people toward whom I feel more disdain. I firmly believe they must face trial for crimes against humanity once their twisted game of oligarch wealth aggregation blows up. This group of people literally control the entire global economy via their privilege to print however much currency they want whenever they want to. This is a group of insanely egotistical maniacs who think they can excel model and print the world into utopia. In reality, they are merely transferring what is left of the middle class’ wealth into the pockets of the super rich who use 0% money to engage in leveraged speculation on financial assets and then get bailed out by the taxpayer when their bets fail.

The Financial Armageddon Economic Collapse Blog tracks trends and forecasts , futurists , visionaries , free investigative journalists , researchers , Whistelblowers , truthers and many more

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