Friday, September 2, 2016

Deutsche Bank Cannot Be Saved - Will Make Lehman Brothers Look Minor

 Josh Sigurdson talks with author and economic analyst John Sneisen about the continued collapse of Deutsche Bank as central planning inflates the problem and bailouts bankrupt the people. John goes over all of the stats and the massive web that this problem creates as it effects banks like HSBC and others. Their CDS looks terrible, their derivative exposure is still over 50 trillion dollars and considering all of the above, the bank will crash causing a calamity like nothing we've ever seen. Fractional reserve banking perpetuates despite failure and destabilization recorded thousands of times throughout history.
Isn't it amazing what it takes to educate people? People don't learn. The government and banking system enslaves the populace using big words and shiny incentives on a fishing line. The system thrives on debt because the more enslaved by debt the populace, the more dependent they are on government and banks. It's one of history's most destructive scams, repeated to exhaust.

We've been talking about Deutsche Bank for a long time here at WAM and this isn't the vindication we want but it's the vindication we have. The manipulation is so thick that we can't pinpoint a prediction, however we know that Deutsche Bank will inevitably collapse.

Stay tuned for more!

Video edited by Josh Sigurdson

Josh Sigurdson
John Thore Stub Sneisen

The Financial Armageddon Economic Collapse Blog tracks trends and forecasts , futurists , visionaries , free investigative journalists , researchers , Whistelblowers , truthers and many more

1 comment:

  1. Britain has decided to move next to new york , the world wonders how the digital future will displace the islands 3 thousand miles away from Europe since British citizens are totally brainwashed by the Jewish lobby. perhaps a modern bolshevik revolution will take hold of Britain in the near future. and have the British citizens kill each other as expected by the Jewish lobby they are good at it.
