Monday, September 19, 2016

Benjamin Fulford: Hillary Clinton is dead, Bill on the run as Clinton Foundation scandals finish the DC crooks off

Benjamin Fulford: September 19, 2016

The Khazarian mafia is in a state of extreme panic following the death of their presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton on September 11th. Below is a screenshot of the ABC Television announcement of her death that was deleted from the internet. hillary dead The dragnet is now closing in on Bill Clinton and the Clinton Foundation, Pentagon and agency sources say. Once that is exposed, the entire corrupt Washington DC establishment will crumble, the sources say. This is what CIA sources say is planned next: “We predicted Biden would be brought in 6+ months ago…Kaine, a disciple of the Central/ South American ‘liberation theologists’ will go along: one-term or less to Biden and the baton passed to Kaine ….this is the current plan, ready to be implemented.”

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1 comment:

  1. how America destroyed Europe created terrorism and killed Frenchmen by the hour: believe what I said, but disregard what i do reason why we the terrorist nations Israel Washington and Saudi kingdom, always talk about democracy but we bring you hell and dictators suffering and terrorism as you do have experience from Paris to berlin, from Kabul to Caracas, from London to Madrid, from Jerusalem to Damascus. we at Washington love to kill and you do have felt it by now and will in the future. Washington the super terrorist nation as the civilized world has now acknowledged; indeed there is something wrong with America perhaps is a possessed nation a servant of evil doers, under the influence of satanic sorts . the role of the world is to heal this dangerous and deranged nation for the benefit of civilization and the Americans citizens themselves for a world at peace and not at war as it is now from these American adventures against the Muslim religion since 1990.
