Tuesday, August 16, 2016

When The Economy Crashes There Will Be A Reallocation Of Money Not A Reset:Bix Weir

 When the economy crashes it will be a fulfillment of Jewish Messianic Prophecy.. Paper money will lose all of its value...so Bixy... go ahead and say we the Jews made it happen in order to fulfill Messianic Prophecy, just like you did last year with your speculations on Shmita... Dude.. you and the rest of the alt media are speculating, nobody really knows how this damn thing comes down.. I don't claim to know.. What I can tell you is that when paper money around the world loses its value it is perfectly in tune with the Prophecies of what will happen during the End Times and the Messiah's arrival according to Jewish teachings.. So go ahead, and be an ass, and say we engineered the whole thing from the beginning... the Rothschilds did it...you joker.. I don't mind you taking that position... the Jews need to leave the lands of the gentiles regardless... these claims you people make only hasten their departure.

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