Saturday, August 13, 2016

VENEZUELA ECONOMIC COLLAPSE - Coffins Being Made From Cardboard. Crazy Inflation & Lack of Materials

VENEZUELA ECONOMIC COLLAPSE - Coffins Being Made From Cardboard. Crazy Inflation & Lack of Materials With food and medicine short, life is hard in Venezuela - and death is hard, too. The country's situation is so acute that families are burying their loved ones in cardboard coffins. A lack of materials and soaring inflation fuelled by an economic crisis are making funerals a costly business. “It is more expensive to die here than to stay alive,” says funeral director Ronald Martinez, in the northern city of Maracay. If you were hungry enough, would you kill and eat zoo animals? To most of us such a notion sounds absolutely insane, but this is actually happening in Venezuela right now. This is a country where people are standing in lines for up to 12 hours hoping that there will be food to buy that day, and where rioting and looting have become commonplace. So even though the U.S. economy is in dreadful shape at this moment, we should be thankful for what we have, because at least we are not experiencing a full-blown economic collapse yet like Venezuela currently is. Black stallions can be some of the most beautiful horses on the entire planet, but things are so desperate down in Venezuela this summer that everything looks like food to some people at this point. What happened at the Caricuao Zoo on Sunday is so horrible that I actually debated whether or not to share it with you. Desperate people do desperate things, and when people get hungry enough they will do things such as this… Venezuela is selling oil to Jamaica in exchange for food, medicine, farming materials and building supplies. Jamaica announced last week that it would provide up to $4 million in the form of goods and services to Venezuela. Venezuela's economy is the worst in the world, according to IMF projections. Its economy is estimated to contract 10% this year and inflation could skyrocket by 700%. Years of heavy government spending, and the recent decline of oil prices, have left the government without enough cash to import basic foods. the most miserable country in the world" for two years running is really starting to show signs that it is running out of cash. The Venezuelan government says it has imported thousands of tons of basic foodstuffs and will begin distributing them through communal councils directly to family homes. President Nicolas Maduro has accused private food production companies and supermarkets of hoarding food for speculation. Unemployed construction worker Roberto Sanchez could hear a time bomb ticking as he waited in line with 300 people outside a grocery store this week, hoping that corn meal or rice might be delivered later in the afternoon. Venezuela could explode at any minute into political and economic chaos. The question is what will give first. As the economy spirals into deeper disarray, protests aimed at driving the unpopular president out of office are growing. Maduro responded over the weekend by declaring a 60-day state of emergency But, to the fury of the long line of people waiting out front, the cargo wasn’t unloaded. Instead soldiers took it away. The clubbing districts of Las Mercedes and San Ignacio in Caracas are as packed as ever, despite the economic crisis gripping Venezuela. But there is one notable difference: a lack of Polar beer. Empresas Polar SA, the country’s largest food and beverage company, has halted beer production because, it says in a statement on its website, it cannot obtain the foreign currency it needs to purchase malted barley. “The state of emergency isn’t improving anything. It is not making us eat better. There is only the black market and it is too expensive … this economic model of regulations is only making us poor, without any groceries, and hungry,” she says. Venezuela Zoo Animal Horse Wild Wildlife food supermarket "South America" emergency nutrition health healthy economy collapse "economic collapse" life lifestyle people 2016 2017 oil line official hunger poverty "emergency supplies" latin charity leader leadership "united states" "food stamp" EBT "Clean water" "water filter" prepare survival news media entertainment shopping market eat supply "elite nwo agenda" gerald celente jim rogers marc faber gloom doom jsnip4 montagraph coast to coast am alex jones infowars louis farrakhan gold silver bullion crash end times earthquake california zika rio 2016 President Nicolás Maduro put into motion in January, which declared an “economic emergency” and allowed the government to further intervene in private corporations. Venezuela’s Supreme Court extended the viability of the emergency decree power over the food industry in Venezuela.

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