Monday, August 8, 2016

TRUMP on HILLARY CLINTON - She Took a Short Circuit in the Brain. Hillary a Malfunctioning Robot ?

A new Donald Trump video mocks Hillary Clinton as a malfunctioning robot, a reference to her recent remark that she "short-circuited" when speaking about the 's investigation of her email server. "Is robot Hillary melting down," the video, posted by Trump on his Facebook page Saturday, asks. It shows clips of her speaking to a group of Hispanic and black journalists on Friday. I may have short-circuited it, and for that I will try to clarify," Clinton tells the group in a clip from the video. The video then adds cartoon sparks flying from Clinton's mouth and smoke rising from her head as the image flickers. Clinton sparked controversy earlier this week by saying she had been truthful about her handling of classified information on the private email server she used when she was secretary of State. But critics and fact-checkers said she had mischaracterized comments from FBI Director James Comey. Clinton suggested the FBI had concluded that she never misled the public about the server setup. "Director Comey said my answers were truthful and consistent," she had said in an interview on Fox News Sunday. Comey has said Clinton was truthful to the FBI but has refused to say whether he believes she misled the public. In his presentation of the agency's conclusions, he also laid out a number of findings in which the FBI found information which had contradicted Clinton's claims. Clinton on Friday said had only meant to refer to the answers she gave the FBI, not their broader conclusions. "I was pointing out in both of those instances that Director Comey has said that my answers in my FBI interview were truthful," she said. “That’s really the bottom line here." Trump has blasted Clinton for that response. "Crooked Hillary said loudly, and for the world to see, that she "SHORT CIRCUITED" when answering a question about her e-mails. Very dangerous!" he tweeted Saturday morning. TRUMP "Hillary Clinton" 2016 "Press Conference" Report Conference Meeting Speech Brain Robot Problem "TRUMP 2016" "Donald Trump" USA America "United States" Election 2017 future "American Dream" news media entertainment trends trendy trending "Make America Great Again" Problem People Vote Truth Watch Great Presidential Republican Democrat Party States health healthy fit elite "Elite NWO Agenda" jsnip4 demcad prepare prepper collapse end game new world order illuminati alex jones coast to coast obama 3rd term viral montagraph prediction young turks "Anybody whose mind "SHORT CIRCUITS" is not fit to be our president! Look up the word "BRAINWASHED," he added. Donald Trump pumped up his attacks on Hillary Clinton's character Saturday night by suggesting that the former secretary of state is not mentally fit to be president. "She took a short-circuit in the brain. She's got problems," Trump said, seizing on Clinton's explanation that she "short-circuited" a recent answer about her truthfulness in discussing her email server. "Honestly, I don't think she's all there," he added. The attacks flowed from the Republican nominee as he once again tore into Clinton as "unstable," "unbalanced" and "totally unhinged." Trump's stepped-up attacks on Clinton come as he has been falling in a slew of recent battleground states and national polls and as top Republicans have fretted about Trump repeatedly knocking himself off message by engaging in controversies rather than focusing on Clinton.

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