Thursday, August 11, 2016

Obama and Hillary Co-Founded ISIS says Trump

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump called U.S. President Barack Hussein Obama and Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton “co-founders” of Islamic State on Thursday, igniting fresh criticism of his inflammatory campaign style. The New York real estate developer has previously attacked Obama and Clinton, secretary of state from 2009-13, for how the United States pulled out of Iraq after the war, saying it helped create the militant Islamist group that has seized swaths of Iraq and Syria.

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1 comment:

  1. Washington won the independence war most Americans were united today they are not.
    Ukraine is simple in the end NATO and Washington hope Putin will take care of Ukraine, but is too complicated Russia is sufficient, therefore the easiest way is a euro-eastern region. Thanks to millions of refugees that you forced to travel from the middle east to Europe. There you are your new euro-eastern region, the old soviet bloc of the north unites and the new European union includes Russia & Britain. NATO ceases to be; and the admiration towards a real independence can be done by Putin with the help of the rest of Europe. They know themselves better as Russians are in Ukraine as well as in Poland and vice versa. Stability between the two sides becomes possible a sensible way is created and progress takes his course without the extinction of the human kind; Brexit becomes a breming afterthoughts. In other words, the iron wall of NATO Atlantic main media propaganda falls, and at last eastern Europe is a democracy, no more brainwashing from Washington, neither Nazi plots or holocaust, but rather the 1989 conversion, from the change of the Soviet Union to a democracy done properly, by the Europeans for the Europeans without Washington’s intervention. As the 1990 intervention of Washington is what has created the mess you are in now.
    More precisely this NATO west Atlantic misrepresentation of reality has created a lot of problems after 1776, reason why the current so called roman empire should stay home and meditate and let those that understand the world do their task.
