Friday, August 12, 2016

Max Igan Discusses Pokemon Go

Max Igan Discusses Pokemon Go, Transhumanism & Infowars Islamophobia In Extensive Interview.

Great interview, Max gave his usual balanced and informative talk. As he says he is not a leader he is just offering to others information he has learned. He is as truthful as his knowledge permits. As for Alex, I remember the late William Cooper (look him up and what he said as he was way ahead of the curve) pointing out that Alex was not what he seemed back in the late 90's and as with so many things he was right. Sure Alex has brought many to awareness through fear but I am not sure that is the best method but it served his interests nicely. Best for people to listen and make up their own minds rather than seeking saviours and leaders to off load their responsibilities on. That path is how we got where we are today.

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1 comment:

  1. The 1962 missile crisis included turkey, today turkey is again on the same spot. What has turkey to gain from Washington nothing, from Europe a lot. Europe however is dominated by Washington; therefore, turkey is also dominated by Washington. Exit NATO-OTAN and turkey as well Europe will at last become real democracies, as today we all know is just an Orwellian domain ruled by the AIPAC ROMAN EMPIRE.
