Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Build Up to WW3 -- Russia mobilizes 40,000 soldiers on Ukrainian border

WW3 ahead .Russia mobilizes 40,000 soldiers on Ukrainian border

American diplomacy in the Ukraine crisis was summed up earlier this month by State Department senior official Victoria Neuland, a leading neocon: "F....k Europe." On Friday, Europe responded by brokering a sensible compromise to Ukraine's increasingly dangerous crisis just as the army was about to intervene. If the pact holds, Ukraine's president Viktor Yanukovich will relinquish some of his powers, a unity government will be formed, elections held, and jailed protestors freed. The fate of imprisoned nationalist leader, Yulia Timoshenko, remains unclear. Russia accused NATO on Thursday of using the Ukraine crisis to justify its existence by creating an imaginary threat, while the alliance's head urged Moscow to pull its troops back from the Ukrainian border. NATO published satellite pictures it said showed Russia's military buildup, but Moscow immediately dismissed them, saying they were from last August. NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen, who accuses Moscow of amassing 40,000 combat-ready troops near Ukraine's border, said: "We have seen the satellite images The Ukrainian parliament reportedly is considering a bill that would allow security forces to arrest and detain local citizens for up to 30 days without formal charges or court approval, a Russian politician claimed Monday, citing the measure as just one indication that the political upheaval in Ukraine is descending into Nazi-era "Gestapo times." "A majority of Ukrainians today are hostages of that situation because they are afraid of those bandits who are next to their doors," said Zheleznyak, speaking through a translator. Any solution must come democratically royal family illuminati british empire london Brennan went to Ukraine to work on logistics for the next phase of the crisis -- a proxy war against Russia similar to the successful one in Afghanistan that defeated the Soviet Union. THe CIA, of course, denies this, and also denies it made the trip to spur the coup onward and upward to victory, a dim prospect at best due to the fact so many Ukrainians are less than thrilled about being ruled by ultra-nationalists and Right Sector brownshirts. Even Ukrainian soldiers are less not pumped up about attacking their fellow countrymen: they have surrendered to unarmed activists in Donetsk and Sloviansk. russia situation crisis news media timeline military "u.s. army" army peace humanity gas "green energy" troops poland war truth agenda citizen "u.s. citizen" elite video entertainment tech china technology missile aircraft "royal navy" navy business mafia "war game" game government banking bank tax west u.s. "united states" usa america puppet corporate "new world order" europe "eastern europe" newspaper people russian ukraine journalist "agenda nwo" elite nwo agenda "The claim that Director Brennan encouraged Ukrainian authorities to conduct tactical operations inside Ukraine is completely false. Like other senior U.S. officials, Director Brennan strongly believes that a diplomatic solution is the only way to resolve the crisis between Russia and Ukraine," said a CIA spokesperson in a statement. The Pentagon has officially announced it will provide the regime with "non-lethal aid." The Obama administration is playing the same game in Syria while behind the scenes encouraging Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar to send in boatloads of cash, arms, and, most importantly, fanatical al-Qaeda and al-Nusra mercenaries willing to slaughter unarmed civilians and even Christian priests. "The pull of getting involved in proxy wars is intoxicatingly strong for an obvious reason: proxies do all the work," writes John Glaser. "Just provide surrogates cash and guns and voilĂ ! The devil, as always, is in the details. Proxy wars are usually waged secretly and thus represent U.S. foreign policy that the American people (and indeed most of the U.S. government itself) has no say in. They usually involve supporting unscrupulous groups of people that often end up committing serious crimes (although, it's by proxy so U.S. officials typically wiggle out of any responsibility)." The CIA's track record provides ample evidence this is precisely why Brennan personally traveled to Kyiv and rubbed elbows with the coup leaders. Since its inception, the agency has undermined, subverted, masterminded and directly orchestrated the overthrow of dozens of countries.

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1 comment:

  1. russia the enemy no wonder this american nightmare is in fact a nightmare, having 350 million americans brainwashed by the AIPAC hollywood roman empire that is worse than the antichrist. 1776 never took place, if you like evil, you got america. the fake nation the dream and hope for the slaves than now find themselves into a zombie state. america is worse than hitler and stalin together and soon they will destroy the human kind if you do not stop this evil empire called the AIPAC ROMAN HOLY EMPIRE..!!!
