Saturday, August 20, 2016

ALERT! Obama To Start WW3 Before Leaving Office

 Two days ago US Air Force Secretary Deborah Lee James told Sputnik regarding the 50-70 B61 Tactical gravity nuclear bombs stored at Incirlik Air Base in Turkey “We do have nuclear weapons and those nuclear weapons are safe and secure, and we are very confident in that.” Now Debka is reporting "...the United States has begun secretly evacuating the tactical nuclear weapons it had stockpiled at the southern Turkish air base of Incirlik and is transporting them to US bases in Romania.”

This reaction finally came after the worst Foreign Policy Administration in U.S. History remained quiet as power was cut to the Incirlik Air Base and was put on lock down while hordes of Turkish protesters gathered outside the base over the purported CIA link to the the recent Coup attempt. A link that winds its way back to Fethullah Gulen and his movement. The same Gulen who is protected by the Obama Administration and maintains a Charter School Empire in the United States that has angered labor Unions while siphoning money from American Taxpayers through the Charter Schools to fund his movement.

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