Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Turmoil in in post-Brexit Markets -- Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert

The top story: Markit PMI figures show that UK construction is crashing at the fastest pace since the financial crisis. Ameera David has details. In addition, riots in France follow a decision by the French government to implement business-friendly labor laws. RT correspondent Harry Fear reports. Then, Boom Bust’s Bianca Facchinei reveals how the general election in Australia could end up without a definitive result for days into the future. Afterwards, RT correspondent Ashlee banks outlines the details of two important tech stories. In the first, it appears Android malware has infected 85 million devices, making its creators $300,000 a month. In the second, San Francisco is considering a tax on tech companies to pay for the boom’s downside. After the break, Edward Harrison talks to The Keiser Report’s Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert about the problems we face in developed economies in a post-financial crisis world. And in the Big Deal, Ameera and Edward Harrison discuss the renewed market volatility coming out of the Brexit vote in the UK.

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