Wednesday, July 20, 2016

TOP Secret US Dangerous Weapons 2016 (MESSAGE TO RUSSIA &CHINA )

The Soviets exploded their first nuclear weapon in 1949. China revealed plans for its own stealth bomber last year. But there are still some weapons the rest of the world doesn't have. Weapons like the MQ9 Reaper Drone, the Laser Avenger and the ADAPTIV cloaking give U.S. troops the advantage on any battlefield around the world. Some of these weapons have been around for several years but were recently modified, and some are still in production.

America spends more on its military than THE NEXT 15 COUNTRIES COMBINED By 2033 the U.S. will be paying $59 billion a year to its veterans injured in the wars The yearly cost of stationing one soldier in Iraq could feed 60 American families. The pentagon budget consumes 80% of individual income tax revenue The Pentagon spends more on war than all 50 states combined spend on health, education, welfare, and safety Active projects of DARPA which will change the future are : 4MM 4-minute mile: Wearable jetpack to enable soldiers to run at increased speed. Aerial Reconfigurable Embedded System formerly TX: Cargo carrying UAV. "Aircraft Carriers in the Sky": Using large manned aircraft to launch and recover small UAVs. ACTUV: A project to build an unmanned Anti-submarine warfare vessel. Adaptive Execution Office: AEO provides the agency with robust connections to the war fighter community and assists the agency with the planning and execution of technology demonstrations and field trials to promote adoption by the war fighter. Air Dominance Initiative: Developmental technologies to be used in sixth-generation jet fighters. Atlas: A humanoid robot. Battlefield Illusion Big Mechanism: Cancer research BlockADE: Rapidly constructed barrier. Boeing X-37 Boomerang - mobile shooter detection system: an acoustic gunfire locator developed by BBN Technologies for detecting snipers on military combat vehicles. Captive Air Amphibious Transporter Clean-Slate Design of Resilient, Adaptive, Secure Hosts CRASH, a TCTO initiative Cognitive Technology Threat Warning System Collaborative Operations in Denied Environment CODE: Modular software architecture for UAVs to pass information to each other in contested environments to identify and engage targets with limited operator direction. Combat Zones That See: "track everything that moves" in a city by linking up a massive network of surveillance cameras Computational Weapon Optic CWO: Computer rifle scope that combines various features into one optic. DARPA XG: technology for Dynamic Spectrum Access for assured military communications Experimental Spaceplane 1: first stage of a reusable space transport Gremlins: Air-launched and recoverable UAVs with distributed capabilities to provide low-cost flexibility over expensive multirole platforms. Ground X-Vehicle Technology

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1 comment:

  1. Nice Hollywood film, unrealistic, as reality shows from turkey to Taiwan, from Canada to BLM, France, Syria, refugees, isis and cia & NSA conglomerate; an LGTB army and a confuse world, nothing can be done forget cyber space you are now on a cyber hologram: the mess is unavoidable only solution end of NATO to begun democracy on the conquered lands after 1945.
