Tuesday, July 26, 2016

The Zionist Financial System EXPOSED

The evils of the Financial system beautifully explained by Ken O'Keefe.

The lies behind the fake banking system which has enslaved mankind to a rigged monetary system, where the bankers steal all of the fake money for themselves and enslave the rest of humanity to cover all of there well planned and engineered debts so as to control humanity in their plans for a One World Bank owned by The Power That Be TPTB and a micro-chipped slave population of mind controlled worker drones to do their work and pay their taxes. Another option is we take the 2.588 x 10 to the 51st dollars hidden in off ledger accounts and give every man woman and child on Earth a million dollars a year until it is all gone. Then we could create a paradise here beyond any worldly description! Life would then be all about humans having the greatest experiences and not about the misery of our current slavery!

The Financial Armageddon Economic Collapse Blog tracks trends and forecasts , futurists , visionaries , free investigative journalists , researchers , Whistelblowers , truthers and many more

1 comment:

  1. Having someone unexpected as Jill 2016 as president is the key to save America, be inventive evolve to the 21 century; all other voters besides trump @Hillary can vote for Jill2016. MR Bernie Sanders Americans are supposed to be pioneers inventors of new ways. Ted Cruz, Perry, anyone, of the contenders, and she wins. As they are the majority, rather than being behind Trump at Hillary, is also a surprise to the media the networkers, a refresh sights a green view of the planet. For the first time in history an independent citizen becomes president. And more exciting A Women. More inventive to have the unexpected as is a better chance to the new than the same old lie and deception, the continuity of wars and destruction. Give yourself a change vote GREEN a non-media person, that suddenly becomes world known. Everybody gains ... Once sanders make the move, the rest will follow, and he can even be vice-president. Renew politics for better understanding.
