Sunday, July 24, 2016

The Antichrist is here and YOU are following him! You Have Been Fooled! End Times Bible Prophecy

This Video will help you understand the unfolding of events happening before our very eyes. Biblical prophecy Is being fulfilled. Events are happening on a daily basis that prove we are in the End Times. Time Is Running out, repent before its too late!

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  1. Keep it simple satan comes 1st at the 6th trump,seal n vial 666 claiming to be Jesus anti taken from the Greek doesn't mean against rather Instead of our True Lord Jesus will return a short time latter 2 1/2 months at the 7th trump most will worship satan thinking hes Jesus.

  2. In conclusion it is quite possible that Israel is an errancy, therefore his reason for being questionable as holly land is related to Jesus and not Jews, it assimilates mostly to Jesus crucifixion, as there are no Christian’s in Israel but Jews; a celebration that he was crucified, or more we party because finally Jesus has been killed by us the Jews and now we own the land Israel that he predicted will be destroyed. Which as holy goes is a nonsense, the crusades existed to liberate Jerusalem for the Christians not the Jews. Them why was Israel created on the Belfour declaration of 1917, if Christian religion has nothing to do with it, and they were the ones that influenced the most and still do, as Anglicans believe Jesus will return to Israel, Jesus as Christ the son of Mary not as a new messiah. However, interesting, good material to the mind.

  3. In conclusion it is quite possible that Israel is an errancy, therefore his reason for being questionable as holly land is related to Jesus and not Jews, it assimilates mostly to Jesus crucifixion, as there are no Christian’s in Israel but Jews; a celebration that he was crucified, or more we party because finally Jesus has been killed by us the Jews and now we own the land Israel that he predicted will be destroyed. Which as holy goes is a nonsense, the crusades existed to liberate Jerusalem for the Christians not the Jews. Them why was Israel created on the Belfour declaration of 1917, if Christian religion has nothing to do with it, and they were the ones that influenced the most and still do, as Anglicans believe Jesus will return to Israel, Jesus as Christ the son of Mary not as a new messiah. However, interesting, good material to the mind.
