Friday, July 8, 2016

Obama/Soros Behind Dallas Police Massacre -- Alex Jones

Another attempt distract the public from Hillary Clinton's crimes. An Obama disciple and registered democrat racist executes another government ordered mass shooting. Wake up people this is not random.

Media uses Tuesday's events (which were disgraceful) to distort the facts about the number of whites shot by police versus blacks, obama riles up race relations with his speech (also lying about the statistics), and presto....5 cops are dead and 11 total wounded, making it appear to be some crazy protestors. Impeccable timing AGAIN! Now that they distracted everyone from crooked Hillary, they will start to blame guns and Trump. Obama was silent for days when his muslim brothers were reeking havoc on the world, now hes front and center. Obama, Clinton, and Soros are behind this. Btw, murders in chicago have been out of control for years...where was the president? Oh, Hillary wasnt in trouble at that time so i guess it didnt matter. How long before this is blamed on guns, cops, white america, Christians, and Donald Trump?!?!

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