Monday, July 18, 2016

Leo Zagami "Vatican Insider on New Age, Masonry & Aliens"

Leo Lyon Zagami, writer and researcher has been unmasking the New World Order and various aspects of this endtime scenario that are currently being played out.

Zagami, who is known for a brilliant career as Leo Young in the media and music industry as a Record Producer, became quickly popular on the web in 2006, because of his direct involvement in the New World Order and Secret Societies known to the majority of us as the “Illuminati.” His blog rose quickly and gained attention from people such as David Icke, for it’s accurate fully documented ground breaking inside information.

Between 2009 and 2014 he began publishing books in Europe and in Japan based on a variety of subjects that range from the history of the secret societies and the Vatican, to geo-political matters concerning the New World Order.

In 2013 he collaborated with well known Italian journalists Ferruccio Pinotti and Giacomo Galeazzi in drafting a chapter for their Italian Best Seller “Vaticano Massone,” which was released in May 2013, dedicated to the secretive world of Vatican Freemasonry.

He has appeared all over the mainstream and alternative news sites.

NOTE: Per Catholic teaching you cannot be a Catholic and a FreeMason. This is not an endorsement for Leo's position on certain subjects. 

Topics included in this talk: Montini the Jew/FreeMason, Vatican II, Vatican Representative in Italy and USA aware of Planet X, endtime scenario playing out, Cardinal Bea the FreeMason, Crypto-Jews, Jesuits, alien deception, project bluebeam, new science coming?, Maitreya and ufos, Mount Graham/LUCIFER, Vatican selling out to New Age, Planet X, Fr. Malachi Martin, CERN, Switzerland and Satanism, Medjugorje Deception, Portals Being Opened, Using Mary and Jesus via Project Bluebeam to usher in New Religion, 3 days of darkness, nephilim, fallen angels and the elite, Apocalypse/Revelations, Turkey, ISIS, Islam and Satanism and more...

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