Friday, July 15, 2016

EU Implosion : Germany Warns – 5 More Nations May Leave EU

A new strategy report by the German Finance Ministry says that 5 more nations may leave the EU, France, Austria, Finland, Hungary and the Netherlands.
As the result of Britain’s exit from the EU, Germany faces about $3 billion dollars per year in additional costs to support the failing European experiment. But the staggering fact is that the cost of the one million migrants Angela Merkel welcomed into the country last year could exceed an additional $20 billion per year.
In France, National Front leader Marine Le Pen has pledged to hold a Frexit vote if elected in next year’s presidential elections.
Hungarian Prime Minister, Viktor Orban, who a year ago favored keeping his nation in the EU for protection against the expansionist tendencies of Russia, now sounds a bit more threatening:
“Europe is strong only if it can give answers to major issues such as immigration that would strengthen Europe … not weaken it. The EU failed to give these answers.”
According to the leader of Poland’s ruling Law and Justice party, :
“The conclusion is obvious. We need a new European treaty. We need a positive reaction, and not persistent movement in the same direction, a direction which has led to crisis.”
For some reason, Merkel’s finance minister left out Italy. 

Last week, angry voters swept anti-EU candidates into office in Rome and Turin.
In Rome, Euroskeptic young attorney, Virginia Raggi of the Five Star movement crushed her opponent by a 2-to-1 margin to become Rome’s first female mayor.
Italy is being crushed by the migrant crisis. Last month thousands marched by Rome’s ancient Coliseum chanting: 
“Stop the invasion! This is my home!”
In the Netherlands, Geert Wilders, the leader of the right wing Freedom Party is likely to become the next Prime Minister next year. Last week he endorsed Donald Trump and has adopted the slogan, “Make the Netherlands great again!”
Wilders has pledged to put the EU question up to a vote if elected.

On Saturday afternoon, I was asked to be on Press TV’s morning news live in Tehran. I had not agreed to do a Press TV interview for a year because the Iranian Parliament had chanted, “Death to America” and “Death to Israel”. But since the producer who called said they wanted to have me comment on the Brexit vote, I agreed. I as polite. Here is how it went:

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