Tuesday, July 19, 2016

End Times Headline News - July 19th, 2016

More shootings, more demonic possessions. India is now chipping all new born babies. You have a 1 world religion, you have a 1 world government. You have famines in diverse places, earthquakes in diverse places. Only one thing is missing from todays world we live in and thats the anti christ who will bring order out chaos. With Turkey purging all rebels in their false flag coup attempt and the US murdering their police officers to push an agenda who can still say these arent the end of days. We are going through an enormous change in the world as its getting darker and darker. Dont spend one more day worrying about tomorrow. Put it in YHWH's hands and give your life to His Son Yeshua. Tomorrow isnt promised and if you are on the wrong side your destiny will be a rough one. Jesus died for you...because He loves you. He is the way, the truth, and the life.

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