Monday, July 25, 2016

DNC Democratic National Convention DNC 2016 Hillary Clinton Wikileaks Email Debbie Wasserman Schultz

DNC Democratic National Convention Live News WATCH ONLINE DNC 2016 Hillary Clinton Wikileaks Emails DNC Democratic National Convention D-N-C D.N.C.Democratic National Convention Live News Stream DNC 2016 Philadelphia Politics Chat Hillary Clinton Democratic National Convention Live News Stream DNC Philadelphia Politics Chat Hillary Clinton CNN Live News Stream Politics Chat Hillary Clinton Donald Trump Mike Pence Tim Kaine BREAKING NEWS CNN Live News Stream Politics Chat Hillary Clinton Donald Trump Mike Pence Tim Kaine BREAKING NEWS Wikileaks Releases 20,000 DNC Emails That Expose Their Attempts to Destroy Bernie Sanders Wikileaks Releases 20,000 DNC Emails That Expose Their Attempts to Destroy Bernie Sanders DNC Chief Debbie Wasserman Schultz

Pam Livengood

Pam and her family of Keene, NH have been personally affected by the growing substance abuse epidemic and are guardians for their grandson because of their daughter’s struggle with addiction. Pam raised the issue with Hillary while participating at a round-table during the first trip to New Hampshire.
Monday July 25 | Wells Fargo Center
Karla & Francisca Ortiz

Karla is an American citizen from Las Vegas, NV but her parents, including her mother, Francisca, are undocumented and live in fear of deportation. Karla met Hillary Clinton in Nevada and was featured in the campaign ad, Brave.
Monday July 25 | Wells Fargo Center
Anastasia Somoza

Anastasia of New York, NY, along with her twin sister, was diagnosed with cerebral palsy and spastic quadriplegia when she was born and is an advocate for Americans with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Anastasia interned for Hillary Clinton in her U.S. Senate office and on the 2000 campaign for senate. Anastasia first met President Bill Clinton in 1993 at a town hall meeting for kids.
Monday July 25 | Wells Fargo Center
DREAMer Astrid Silva

Speaker: Astrid Silva
Monday July 25 | Wells Fargo Center
Senator Bernie Sanders

Speaker: Senator Bernie Sanders
Monday July 25 | Wells Fargo Center
First Lady Michelle Obama

Speaker: First Lady Michelle Obama

Democratic National Convention Live News Stream DNC Philadelphia Politics Chat Hillary Clinton

News Clinton Cash Documentary VIDEO Crooked Hillary Clinton Cash Documentary VIDEO BREAKING
NEWS CNN Live News Stream Politics Chat Hillary Clinton Donald Trump Mike Pence Tim Kaine BREAKING NEWS CNN Live News Stream Politics Chat Hillary Clinton Rally Miami with VP Timothy Kaine BREAKING NEWS CNN Live News Stream Politics Chat Hillary Clinton VP Pick Timothy Kaine BREAKING NEWS CNN Live News Stream Politics Chat Hillary Clinton VP Pick Donald Trump on TED CRUZ Cleveland Volunteers CNN Live News Stream Politics Chat Hillary Clinton VP Donald Trump Speech to Cleveland Volunteers CNN Live News Stream Politics Chat Hillary Clinton VP Pi \Donald Trump Speech to Cleveland Volunteers DNC Democratic National Convention Philadelphia

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