Thursday, July 14, 2016

Bill Holter Warns: Venezuela Scenario Coming to America , It Is OVER !


Both China and Russia have been buying gold not to back their currencies but placing in their reserves to offset the devaluation of those currencies. Russia wants a weak ruble for their exports of oil and gas and also for their future non-GMO crops. As for the SDR the international community has been moving to it with increasing speed as now almost all countries including China and Russia hold SDRs in their reserves. For him to say that it will not work because it is not backed by gold is total nonsense. In fact China in May called for an emergency that was held in Paris and afterward in a press conference stated that they want the IMF to speed up the process of using the SDR and not wait until October when the yuan is officially included in the SDR basket with the other four world’s reserve currencies. They did so again in China at the G-20 meeting. The world is heading that way and gold is not a part of it. In a Mad Max world gold and silver will do you no good as farm land is the answer because you can barter for the things you need. Would you trade your food for a gold bar? What would you do with it? This is all total fear porn to scare people into metals!

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